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Windows 3.1x Support Forum » Calmira » Betatester gesucht » Threadansicht

Autor Thread - Seiten: -1-
06.12.2011, 18:09 Uhr
Avatar von gabyde

... für eine neue Version von Calmira LFN für Windows NT 3.51...

Liebe Leute,

habe heute eine Mail von Mark Stroberg bekommen, der Tester für seine neue Calmira Version sucht.

Wer gerne testen möchte. wende sich bitte an
mwstroberg [ETT] hotspringsmt [PÜNKTCHEN] net
(absichtlich verfremdet, aber sollte noch entschlüsselbar sein....)

Hier der Text seiner Mail:

The version I came up with worked well enough with the following

1) Correspondence between CD/DVD Joliet and ISO9660 file and directory
names was imperfect at best and often was wrong.
2) Network drives did not work at all, in fact the way I wrote it if long
file names were enabled network drives did not work at all, even using
short file names.
3) The long file name DLL (LFNLIB.DLL) depended on a Windows 3.1 VxD
called INTXLATE.386 which precluded the LFN Library from working on
Windows NT, and I have noticed that some people use Calmira on Windows NT

I am now working on an entire Calmira LFN system which overcomes these
limitations, which I have architected in my mind. I am nearly done with a
fix for (3) which uses generic thunks to access 32-bit long file name
functions in KERNEL32.DLL in Windows NT. It allows full use of long file
names by Calmira in Windows NT, and fixes (1) completely for Windows NT
and (2) for accessing all 32-bit Windows stations from Windows NT. I would
like to know if you are interested in testing it, both in general and
specifically with different code pages (ones other than US English).

This is just the first (and easiest) part of my project, and is nearly
complete. Once I get a working version tested and fixed, I will focus on
fixing (2) for all Calmira compatible operating systems. (1) is a bear and
will require more research into the relationship between ISO9660 and
Joliet file systems.

Please let me know if you are interested in testing it. I do not even know
if you are still interested in Calmira or Windows 3.1, or if you have any
Calmira workstations running on Windows NT 3.51.

Und eine Stimme sprach zu mir: lächle und sei froh, es könnte schlimmer kommen. Ich lächelte und war froh und es kam schlimmer...

Dieser Post wurde am 06.12.2011 um 18:10 Uhr von gabyde editiert.
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